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Carnival Nationz is an eight-year-old organization which produced its first band of 600 masqueraders entitled Dis is Paradisen 2005. In so doing, they created history by being the only band ever to capture the most coveted festival award Band of the Year in its inaugural year. CNz is made up of 3 bandleaders, each of whom bring something different to the business: Marcus Eustace, world renowned designer who has coped the Carnival King of Trinidad & Tobago nine times; Dwayne Pitt (aka Bandit) is well recognized as one of the best Caribbean DJs and promoters in Toronto (and in fact across North America and the Caribbean) who began plying his trade and earning his stripes back in 1994; and Bryce Aguiton (aka Island Boyz) who began promoting small scaled club events in Toronto in 1993, and soon emerged as one of the most innovative and marketing savvy promoters in Toronto Caribbean landscape.
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